

Research and monitoring success

Today, 20 academic studies into wingwave have taken place. The wingwave reserach are a rare feature in the coaching context and a great advantage for the image of the method and all who work with wingwave®. More research is being prepared. All wingwave research is and has been conducted on subjects who could be described as not having mental health issues - accordingly, all studies have been focused on the subject of coaching and improving performance rather than curative treatment. All subjects received only 100 minutes of wingwave coaching on average in every intervention study.

Fear of performance turned into fun
Dierks, M.-L. (2007). Scientific study at the Hannover Medical School. Published in the area of “Public Health”: Besser-Siegmund, Cora / Dierks, Marie-Luise, Siegmund, Harry: Sicheres Auftreten mit wingwave-Coaching [Perform with self-confidence using wingwave Coaching], published by Junfer…more
Back on track to high performance in sport – how wingwave can help beat "injury memories"
Schellewald, V. (2010). Der Einsatz der wingwave-Methode zur psychischen Rehabilitation nach Sportverletzungen [The use of wingwave method for psychological rehabilitation after sports injuries]. Cologne: Bachelor’s thesis at the German Sport University Cologne Kutscha, D. (2012). Der Eins…more
The wingwave music lowers the pulse rate – even during sp
Iglesias Monrós, Berta (2018). Los entresijos de la interpretación musical. Análisis de la capacitad de rendimiento escénico del intérprete musical con la aplicación de coaching wingwave: Conservatorio Superior de Música del Liceu. As part of her thesis, Berta Iglesias Monrós examined the …more
The wingwave music lowers the pulse rate – even during sporting activities
Nasse, A. F. (2013). Der Einsatz der wingwave-Musik bei körperlicher Aktivität hinsichtlich objektiver sowie subjektiver Belastungsparameter [The use of wingwave music during physical activity with regard to the objective, as well as subjective stress parameters]. German Sport University Co…more
Beating arachnophobia with wingwave
Besser-Siegmund, C. u. (2013). Mit Freude läufts besser - durch wingwave positive Emotionen fördern und Leistung steigern [With joy, everything gets better - promote positive emotions and enhance performance through wingwave]: Junfermann-Verlag.  “Motivated by the previous positive re…more
Fatigue effect during Myostatic test?
Besser-Siegmund, C. u. (2013). Mit Freude läufts besser - durch wingwave positive Emotionen fördern und Leistung steigern [With joy, the going gets better - promote positive emotions and enhance performance through wingwave]. Paderborn: Junfermann-Verlag. A point of criticism of the “class…more
No more debilitating test anxiety with the help of wingwave Method
Fritsche, N. (2007). Effektivität der wingwave-Methode beim Einsatz gegen Prüfungsängste [Effectiveness of the wingwave method to combat test anxieties]. Thesis for the final examination in the study of psychology at the University of Hamburg. Nadia Fritsche untersuchte bereits im Jahre 20…more
Gaining strength from positive emotions
Rathschlag, M. (2013). Self-generated emotions and their influence on physical performance. Cologne: Promotions-Arbeit an der Deutschen Sporthochschule Köln [Doctoral thesis at the German Sport University Cologne]. Within the scope of fundamental researches on the effect of wingwave Coachi…more
wingwave and speed performance in endurance sports
Grimberg, M. (2013). Der Einsatz der wingwave-Methode zur Steigerung der objektiven Leistung und Verbesserung des subjektiven Wohlbefindens beim 5.000m-Lauf. [The use of wingwave method to increase the objective performance and improve the subjective well-being in the 5000 meter run.] Bache…more
Pupils coaching
Klatt (geb. Hüttermann), S., & Weiland, F. (2019). Forschungsergebnisse "Schüler-Coaching mit wingwave": Bessere Konzentration, wirksame Angstreduktion und mehr positives Erleben im Familien- und Schulalltag. In C. Besser-Siegmund, & L. A. Siegmund, wingwave-Coaching für Kinder und …more
Sprint study
Zammit, Nina (2019). The effect of wingwave-Coaching on sport performance. Bachelor Dissertation. German Sport University Cologne. As part of her diploma thesis, Nina Zammit conducted a study on the application and effectiveness of Wingwave coaching for performance improvement. She compar…more