
Research and monitoring success 

Coaching of pupils

Klatt (geb. Hüttermann), S., & Weiland, F. (2019). Forschungsergebnisse "Schüler-Coaching mit wingwave": Bessere Konzentration, wirksame Angstreduktion und mehr positives Erleben im Familien- und Schulalltag. In C. Besser-Siegmund, & L. A. Siegmund, wingwave-Coaching für Kinder und Jugendliche (S. 91-133). Paderborn : Junfermann-Verlag.

Sport psychologist and psychologist Frank Weiland carried out an exciting research project with pupils as part of his doctoral work at the German Sport University in Cologne - the children and young people were coached on school stress topics using the wingwave method.

38 male and 36 female participants from four federal states took part in the study, which was conducted under the direction of junior professor Stefanie Klatt. All pupils were between eleven and twelve years old and were assigned to either a control or experimental group. The majority of the pupils (57) attended a grammar school at the time of data collection. Almost a quarter of the pupils (16) came from other types of schools, most of which were privately organised. One pupil came from a comprehensive school. In all schools from which pupils took part in the research project, the Abitur is the highest possible degree. The pupils were able to choose two subjects in which they wanted to improve their performance.

Each student received three hours of wingwave coaching. The results of the coached group compared to the control group can be considered very satisfactory.The complete presentation can be found in the book "wingwave-Coaching für Kinder und Jugendliche" or in later publications by Frank Weiland and Stefanie Klatt (Klatt née Hüttermann & Weiland, 2019).